Zala Hair Extensions: The Secret Behind my Luscious Hair
Hello my Lovelies! Hope you are well! I have been wanting to write this post FOREVER and as SO many of you have requested for it, here it is, I am finally telling you all about one of my main precious beauty secrets; my hair extensions from Zala Hair Extensions!
A little bit of my lion hair history
First of all, what you need to know is that I became addicted to hair extensions since 2006! Yep, THAT long ago, when I was just 16 years old. I know, am crazy… Oh and wait, actually really crazy, you have NO idea because I literally tried all possible hair extensions technics on this planet, yes ALL.
The thing is that I have always felt more myself when having long and thick hair as well as lash extensions. Trust me, that does not make me a superficial chica but rather just a chick who should have simply been born directly with long luscious hair and lashes. I guess that was a bit too much to ask to my Fairy Godmother when she happily sparkled my cradle.
Short hair, ain’t for me
Last year, I had my natural long hair (super long actually) but because of the constant blond highlights, my hair became really dry and I was in desperate need of a haircut. As always, in the first few weeks, I really liked my shorter hair but then, I started to feel like a part of my “crazy sexy Lion me” was seriously missing and I felt like I was not myself completely anymore. Thus, about a month ago, I decided to order my all-time favorites human hair extensions (Remy grade AAA) again. These latter are from Zala Hair Extensions and they are simply the BEST hair extensions I have ever had, and trust me I tried way too many brands.
About Zala Hair Extensions
I discovered Zala Hair Extensions in 2014, when watching some Aussies YouTuber’s videos. After watching a few reviews on YouTube, I headed to the Zala Hair Extensions Instagram feeds and started to scroll down and also checked their “tagged” section to see how the Zala Hair Extensions looked on “real people”. After about 1 hour of research (or 2 or 3, can’t remember because I was SO into it, haha…) and comparisons with a few other brands (Rapounsel and a few others) I decided to place my order and got myself 40 pieces of Tape Zala Hair Extensions, length 20inches. After about 4 days, I received them in Switzerland. The shipping was fast as Zala Hair Extensions brand is from Australia.
The minute I opened the box, I knew my hair was going to look super Beyoncé-ish and I was just TOO excited to have my hairdresser placing them for me. I must admit also that I always got super lucky in terms of picking the right Zala Hair Extensions colors. Actually, I got myself the ring with all the colors, so that definitely helps a lot too. But otherwise, you can just compare your color to other chicas on Instagram and you will find your match pretty fast, it worked well for me.
7 Hair Extensions Technics
Now, as mentioned above, I have tried ALL possible kind of extensions technics:
Tape-In (My favorite technic!)
Keratin Bond (Never do keratin bond!)
Micro-rings (Not bad)
Sew-In Weft Hair Extensions (Not bad)
Braided (Painful and not hygienic)
Clips-In (Not permanent)
Pony tails (Not permanent)
From all these 7 technics, my absolute favorite is the Tape-In Hair Extensions, because when you touch your hair, you cannot feel the extensions, it is easy to tight your hair up, easy to wash, it does not damage your own hair, and the positive list goes on.
The Before & After
Now, here are pictures of how your hairdresser should apply your Zala Hair Extensions:

How to apply your Zala Hair Extensions Tap-in
1) Separate your hair into a section.
2) Tap-in the below part first and then make a “sandwich” by taping another piece on top, having your natural hair in the middle.

My Zala Hair Extensions Color and Lengths
From my part, I am currently wearing 20 pieces of Dirty Blond color and 20 pieces of Snickers color, to get as close as possible to my hair color. The length of my Zala Hair Extensions is 20 inches but my lovely hairdresser, Anya, cut them a little bit, so that my hair extensions blended well with my hair.
