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  • How to manage your personal finances in 2023?

    Hi girls! It’s me, Cíndy, your “save and invest your money” bestie and I am back with a new blog post inspired by one of the many personal financial books I have read lately, that changed my life and will most likely improve yours too! I have recently read the book "Your Money or Your Life" based on a set of financial principles and practices that are designed to help us improve our financial well-being and achieve financial independence. This is a topic that speaks a lot to me as I take to heart helping and educating women from any background to learn to take care of their personal finances in order to be able to spend time doing things they love, without having to worry about their financial security too much. After the intense year that 2022 was for investors (including myself), I don't want to speak to you about investing into stocks or crypto at the moment, but rather want to help you first understand and learn more about how you can take care and manage your personal finances in 2023 in order to feel more safe and free in your everyday life. Here is my overview of the 9 steps I learned in the book "Your Money or Your Life"with clear examples, so that you can spare some time and money, not having to read the book yourself! 1) Track your spending For example, you could keep a record of all your expenses for a month, including your fixed and variable expense such as your bills, groceries, gas, shopping (especially the shopping you made because TikTok or Instagram made you buy it) and any other spending. This will help you see where your money is actually going and identify areas where you may be able to cut back or save more. The easiest way to track this is by making a simple google excel document. 2) Determine your values Make a list of the things that are most important to you, such as your family, your health, your career, or your hobbies. This will help you prioritize your spending and ensure that you are using your money in a way that aligns with your own values. 3) Calculate your net worth You could add up the value of your assets (such as your savings, investments, and property) and subtract your liabilities (such as your debts and mortgages if any). This will give you a snapshot of your financial health and help you set goals for improving it. 4) Calculate your true hourly wage For example, divide your annual income by the number of hours you work each year, taking into account the opportunity cost of your time and the taxes and other expenses associated with your income. This will help you understand the true value of your time and make more informed decisions about how to use it. Spoiler alert, most of us are earning less than we are worth. Learn to know your worth and don't forget to add tax! ;) 5) Create a budget Create a budget that includes your income, expenses, and savings goals. This might involve setting limits on your spending, such as only eating out once a week or only buying items that are on sale. I know, it's not exciting but if you want to build freedom and wealth for yourself, you are going to need to start focusing on a long term vision. I have read two other books that help you understand the importance of delayed gratification; "Atomic habits" and "The Compound effect". 6) Increase/diversify your income(s) To do so, you could either ask for a raise at work, start a side hustle (what if your hobby could start making you earn some extra money? Think about it!), or find a new job that pays more. This will give you more financial flexibility and help you reach your financial goals faster. If none of these are possible just now, focus on your budget and adopt a more frugal approach to your life until you find a way to increase your income. 7) Pay off your debt(s) For example, you could focus on paying off high-interest debt first, such as credit card debt or student loans if you have any. This will help you reduce your overall financial burden and improve your financial stability. 8) Invest for the long term You could save money in a retirement account, such as a 3rd Pillar (for my Swiss girls), or invest in other assets, such as stocks, crypto or real estate. This will help you build wealth over time and prepare for the future. 9) Make a plan for your future For example, you could set long-term financial goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house or retiring by a certain age (Hopefully in our 40's if not before!). You could then make a roadmap for achieving these goals, including steps such as increasing your income, paying off debt, and investing for the long term. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making progress towards your financial goals. That's it for today, I hope you found this post useful and if you have any questions, you know where to find me! Bisous, bisous, Your “save and invest your money” bestie @cocorebelista Disclaimer: My content is about education, not financial advice. These are my only official accounts: @cocorebelista on IG and same on all other social media. Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be me. If you are not sure, reach out to me first, use your common sense. I will never contact you first, ask you any questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links! :)

  • Avoid this big crypto mistake !

    WHAT’S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU HAVE DONE IN THE PAST WITH CRYPTO ? So, we can ALL learn from it ! Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach YOU how to start investing for and in yourself. The biggest mistake you can do in crypto is to be greedy by for example buying crypto on leverage. Kevin did that in the past and thought it was smart to do by using a 2x leverage. However, this was a huge mistake as he lost 80% of his net worth within just a few hours, back in March 2020, when the pandemic started. Thus, we highly suggest you to avoid buying crypto on leverage, to avoid going through this tough lesson too. 🎬 @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista by Disclaimer: Our content is about education, not financial advice. These are our only official accounts. Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be one of us, use your common sense. We will never contact you first, ask you any questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links!

  • Évite cette grosse erreur en crypto !

    QUELLE EST LA PLUS GROSSE ERREUR QUE KEVIN A FAITE DANS LE PASSÉ AVEC LA CRYPTO ? Il nous dit tout, afin qu'on Ă©vite de faire la mĂȘme erreur ! Question et rĂ©ponse de la semaine sur la crypto pour les dĂ©butants, basĂ©es sur VOS questions. Nous vous apprenons comment commencer Ă  investir pour et en vous-mĂȘme. C'est parti mon kiki ! La plus grosse erreur que vous pouvez faire en crypto, c'est d'ĂȘtre trop gourmand en achetant par exemple des crypto avec un effet de levier. Kevin l'a fait dans le passĂ© et pensait que c'Ă©tait intelligent de le faire en utilisant un effet de levier de 2x. Cependant, c'Ă©tait une Ă©norme erreur car il a perdu 80% de sa valeur nette en quelques heures, en mars 2020, lorsque la pandĂ©mie a commencĂ© ! Pour la petite histoire, L'effet de levier dĂ©signe l'utilisation de l'endettement pour augmenter la capacitĂ© d'investissement d'une personne, d'un organisme financier ou d'une sociĂ©tĂ© et l'impact de cette utilisation sur la rentabilitĂ© des capitaux propres investis. Ainsi, nous vous suggĂ©rons donc fortement d'Ă©viter d'acheter des crypto Ă  effet de levier, pour Ă©viter de passer par cette dure leçon Ă©galament. N'investissez QUE l'argent que vous avez et dont vous n'avez pas besoin. 🎬 @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista par 📚 Avis de non-responsabilitĂ© : Notre contenu a pour but d’éduquer gratuitement et non pas de vous conseiller financiĂšrement. Ce sont nos seuls comptes officiels. Veuillez ignorer tout autre(s) compte(s) prĂ©tendant ĂȘtre l'un d'entre nous, utilisez votre bon sens. Nous ne vous contacterons jamais en premier en vous posant des questions via DM ou e-mail et ne vous demanderons jamais de cliquer sur un lien !

  • Meilleures plateformes pour s'informer sur les derniĂšres news en crypto ?

    Existe-t-il des plateformes nous permettant de nous tenir au courant des derniĂšres actualitĂ©s sur la crypto ? Par exemple Twitter ? Instagram ? YouTube ? Google ? Ta propre page ? Dis-nous TOUT ! đŸ‘‰đŸœ Question et rĂ©ponse de la semaine sur la crypto pour les dĂ©butants, basĂ©es sur VOS questions. 😄 Chaque semaine, nous vous apprenons comment commencer Ă  investir pour et en vous-mĂȘme. Vous ĂȘtes prĂȘt ? Le meilleur moyen d'obtenir les derniĂšres nouvelles en matiĂšre de crypto est Twitter, que nous appelons " Crypto Twitter ". Mais ce n'est pas quelque chose que je pense que vous devriez faire. Ce que vous devriez faire, c'est de vous Ă©duquer sur la crypto. Donc pour cela, vous pouvez par exemple vous abonner Ă  Coin Bureau sur YouTube, qui est une super chaĂźne d'Ă©ducation sur la crypto et dispo en plusieurs langues. Ou vous pouvez aller sur et vous abonner gratuitement Ă  leur newsletter crypto. Car si vous suivez les derniĂšres news, vous allez vous sentir perdus et vous allez ĂȘtre super stressĂ©, ce qui a pour consĂ©quence de devenir un moins bon investisseur. Ce que vous voulez, c'est comprendre les bases, comprendre pourquoi vous investissez dans la crypto et ensuite vous voulez en quelque sorte l'oublier, juste s'assurer que les fondamentaux restent bien ancrĂ©s et restent les mĂȘmes, mais pas les derniĂšres infos crypto. 🎬 @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista par 📚 Avis de non-responsabilitĂ© : Notre contenu a pour but d’éduquer gratuitement et non pas de vous conseiller financiĂšrement. Ce sont nos seuls comptes officiels. Veuillez ignorer tout autre(s) compte(s) prĂ©tendant ĂȘtre l'un d'entre nous, utilisez votre bon sens. Nous ne vous contacterons jamais en premier en vous posant des questions via DM ou e-mail et ne vous demanderons jamais de cliquer sur un lien !

  • Best platforms for us to stay updated on the latest crypto news ?

    Are there any platforms for us to stay updated on the latest crypto news ? For example Twitter ? Instagram ? YouTube ? Google ? Your own page ? Let us know ! đŸ‘‰đŸœ Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. 😊 Ready? The best way to get the latest crypto news is Twitter, which we call “Crypto Twitter”. But it’s not something we think you should do. Something you should do, is to educate yourself on crypto. So for that, you can for example subscribe to Coin Bureau on YouTube, which is an amazing crypto education channel. Or you can go to and subscribe to their crypto newsletter for free. Because if you follow the latest news, you are going to be caught up in the noise and you’re going to be stressed out massively, resulting in becoming a less good investor. What you want is to understand the basics, to understand why you are investing in crypto and then you want to kind of forget about it, just making sure the fundamental stay strong and stay the same but not the latest crypto news. 🎬 @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista by Disclaimer: Our content is about education, not financial advice. These are our only official accounts. Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be one of us, use your common sense. We will never contact you first, ask you any questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links!

  • Iced coffee & Investing... Uh ?!

    Here are some pics of my latest collaboration with Starbucks Switzerland. There are people who make fun of women who invest, while still enjoying getting an "expensive" 6 bucks coffee every now and then. I personally think that it is important to treat yourself with things you like eventhough you are into investing. After all, it's recommended to invest 10% of our monthly income into crypto and/or stocks. Which still leaves you with 90% to pay all your bills AND also to enjoy your favorite things (whatever it is) ! Iced coffee has been my fav' and happy morning drink for years and it's not about to change. :) I feel in a better mood when zipping one, while working on my laptop in the morning. Lately, when I am out in the city, I like strolling around with the new iced coffee flavours found at Starbucks. Personally, I have a greater preference for the Iced White Mocha OatShaken Espresso and I always ask for lactose-free milk instead of the oat milk, as I like that taste better ! :) Bisous! CĂ­ndy

  • Quelles applications d'Ă©change de crypto et quels portefeuilles pour acheter de la crypto ?

    đŸ‘‰đŸœ Question et rĂ©ponse de la semaine sur la crypto pour les dĂ©butants, basĂ©es sur VOS questions. 😄 Chaque semaine, nous vous apprenons comment commencer Ă  investir pour et en vous-mĂȘme. Vous ĂȘtes prĂȘt ? En crypto, vous avez besoin de 3 choses : 1) Vous avez besoin d'une plateforme Ă©change, vous pouvez donc utiliser les apps Coinbase, Kraken ou FTX, pour acheter et vendre de la crypto. 2) Ensuite, vous avez besoin d'une plateforme de prĂȘt de crypto, donc en gros, Celsius Network ou Yield App, oĂč vous allez envoyer vos crypto pour gagner du rendement ou des intĂ©rĂȘts sur votre crypto. 3) Enfin, vous avez besoin d'un outil de suivi de portefeuille, tel que Blockfolio maintenant devenu FTX, ou CoinGecko. Cette Ă©tape est essentiellement afin de suivre l'Ă©volution de votre portefeuille dans le temps. 🎬 @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista par 📚 Avis de non-responsabilitĂ© : Notre contenu a pour but d’éduquer gratuitement et non pas de vous conseiller financiĂšrement. Ce sont nos seuls comptes officiels. Veuillez ignorer tout autre(s) compte(s) prĂ©tendant ĂȘtre l'un d'entre nous, utilisez votre bon sens. Nous ne vous contacterons jamais en premier en vous posant des questions via DM ou e-mail et ne vous demanderons jamais de cliquer sur un lien !

  • Which crypto exchange apps and wallets can you all recommend us to use for us to buy crypto ?

    đŸ‘‰đŸœ Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. 😊 Ready? Here are the 3 things you need in crypto: 1) You need an exchange, so you can use Coinbase, Kraken or FTX. This is to buy and sell crypto. 2) Then, you need a crypto lending platform, so basically, Celsius Network or Yield App, where you are gonna send your coins to earn yield or interest on your crypto. 3) And then you need a portfolio tracker, such as Blockfolio aka now FTX, or CoinGecko. And this is basically to track your portfolio evolution in time. 🎬 @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista by 📚 Disclaimer: Our content is about education, not financial advice. These are our only official accounts. Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be one of us, use your common sense. We will never contact you first, ask you any questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links!

  • Ne trade PAS tes cryptos !

    Bienvenue Ă  nouveau Ă  la Question de la semaine sur les investissements en crypto-monnaies pour les dĂ©butants, basĂ©e sur VOS questions, reçues sur nos comptes Instagram. Nous t'apprenons comment commencer Ă  investir pour et en toi-mĂȘme. Les raisons pour lesquelles tu ne devrais PAS trader tes cryptos: 1) Si tu trades, tu vas sous-performer au lieu de simplement acheter tes cryptos, les laisser faire "des bĂ©bĂ©s" et les conserver Ă  long terme pour un max de retour, tout en tranquillitĂ©. 2) Tu vas absolument ruiner ta santĂ© mentale ! Tu vas essayer d'entrer et de sortir de ces marchĂ©s de crypto-monnaies 24h/7j, qui sont trĂšs volatiles, et cela va complĂštement ruiner ton sommeil, te donner beaucoup de stress et d'anxiĂ©tĂ© ! Kevin l'a fait pendant une pĂ©riode et il a vite arrĂȘtĂ© pour des raisons de santĂ© ! En rĂ©sumĂ©, pourquoi voudrais-tu essayer de trader pour ruiner ta santĂ© mentale et en mĂȘme temps sous-performer une simple stratĂ©gie "d'achat et garder" ? Cela n'a aucun sens ! Important: Notre contenu a pour but de t’informer et non de te conseiller. Nous avons uniquement 1 compte chacun sur Instagram: @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista , tous les autres profils avec des noms similaires aux nĂŽtres sont des faux profils, merci de les ignorer et les bloquer. Nous ne te contacterons jamais en premier ni en MP ni email, afin de te poser des questions (sur tes investissements ou autre) et nous ne t’enverrons jamais de lien ! Si tu reçois un truc du genre, ça vient d’un faux compte qui veut te scammer ton argent ! J’espĂšre que notre contenu t’es utile ! :) N’oublie pas que si tu veux en savoir plus, tu peux t’abonner Ă  nos comptes Instagram pour plus de contenu ! Sinon, rendez-vous ici sur le blog, chaque semaine ! Allez bisousss et si tu as des questions, tu sais oĂč nous trouver ! CĂ­ndy

  • Why you should NOT trade your crypto!

    Welcome back to your Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. Here’s why you should NOT trade your crypto : 1) If you trade, you are going to underperform just simply buying the asset and holding it in the long term. 2) You are gonna absolutely ruin your mental health ! You are gonna try to get in and out of these crypto markets, which are very volatile and it’s gonna completely ruin your sleep, give you massive stress and anxiety level ! WHY would you try to trade to ruin your mental health and at the same time underperform a simple “buy and hold” strategy ? It just makes NO sense ! @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista by Disclaimer: Our content is about education, not advice. These are our only official accounts: @crypto.with.kev & @cocorebelista Please ignore any other account(s) pretending to be one of us, use your common sense. We will never contact you first, ask you questions or send you any DM or email asking you to click on any links! Thanks for reading ! See you next week for a new Q&A based on YOUR questions ! Big hugs, Cíndy

  • Etam Spring Collection 2022

    Hey girls ! As much as I love talking investing and crypto here and on my social media networks, I also still have a deep interest and love for pretty things, including pretty lingerie that helps any women feel her best version. :) This month of March, I collaborated again with one of my favorite clients from my agency and here are some of my Etam lingerie crushes. As an entrepreneur and freelancer, I am so so used to do it ALL on my own (small biz owner, team leader, pr, hr, content planning, invoicing, accounting, marketing, any boring admin stuff, photography, content strategy, website creator, model, speaker, social media manager, video concepts and full editing, deliveries and receptions, negociations, contracts, copyrighting, moodboards, storytelling, community management, meetings, stylist, cooker, and the list goes on...) but since a few months I just felt too overwhelmed and I realized it's about time to ask some more help and find great talents to surround myself with on specific creative photography and video projects for my blog and social media networks. I take so much care of my clients projects that I have very limited time and energy for my own. Trying to make it 50-50% and am on the road to it. :) I decided to shoot this spring campaign with some help this time, as I got really tired and umotivated to ALWAYS do it all on my own with my camera and tripods. Seeing these pictures results, I could not be happier with my decision on hiring MĂ©lanie, a talented photogapher based in Lausanne. If you like any of these Etam lingerie looks, you can find them either in their Boutiques or online ! Hope you will like these pics as much as we do ! PS: Since most lingerie is transparent, I used the nipple cover thingy to hide them but turns out it shows more than if I would not have worn them. For next time I know it's better not to use them when wearing light colors lingerie ! ^^ Big hugs, CĂ­ndy

  • Bitcoin vs Ethereum (Français)

    Bienvenue sur mon blog ! Heureuse de vous avoir ici :) Voici un aperçu simplifiĂ© des diffĂ©rences entre le Bitcoin et l'Ethereum, qui sont les deux crypto-monnaies les plus importantes de la blockchain. Comme je crĂ©e du contenu ici et sur mes rĂ©seaux sociaux afin d'aider les dĂ©butants Ă  comprendre les crypto-monnaies, je vais simplifier mon explication au maximum pour vous. :) Le bitcoin est souvent dĂ©crit comme une "rĂ©serve de valeur" en raison de son offre limitĂ©e et de sa valeur perçue qui a conduit les gens Ă  le dĂ©crire comme de l'or digital. Les anti-cryptos (dont les banquiers, une partie des baby-boomers et la majoritĂ© des gouvernements, par exemple, s'empresseront de contre-dire cela). Chacun son avis et sa vision des choses aprĂšs tout. Seul l'avenir dira qui a raison. :) Pour en revenir Ă  mon explication sur le bitcoin, il n'y aura jamais plus de 21 millions de bitcoins. Cette limite, connue sous le nom de "hard cap", est codĂ©e dans le code source de Bitcoin. Le plafond absolu du bitcoin est au cƓur de sa proposition de valeur, Ă  la fois en tant que monnaie et en tant qu'investissement. Alors que l'Ethereum peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crit comme une "monnaie programmable", car vous pouvez crĂ©er des applications distribuĂ©es (similaires Ă  iOS ou Android), des protocoles financiers dĂ©centralisĂ©s (DeFi) qui peuvent (et selon moi, vont) remplacer les services financiers, et crĂ©er/vendre des Non Fungible Token (NFT) , traduit en français par "jeton non fongible" sur la blockchain Ethereum. Aujourd'hui, l'offre de Bitcoin est limitĂ©e mais l'offre d'Ethereum est illimitĂ©e. MalgrĂ© la diffĂ©rence de prix, vous pouvez facilement acheter une fraction de Bitcoin et d'Ethereum sur de nombreuses plateformes d'Ă©change. Pour plus d'informations sur les plateformes d'Ă©change que vous pouvez utiliser, consultez mon rĂ©cent blog post intitulĂ© "Meilleures apps pour acheter de la crypto". Comme toujours, j'espĂšre que ce post vous aidera Ă  vous sentir lentement plus Ă  l'aise avec la crypto et la blockchain. Merci d'avoir lu cet article de blog sur la crypto pour les dĂ©butants(es) et si vous avez des questions, n'hĂ©sitez pas Ă  me contacter sur Instagram ! Prenez soin de vous et rappelez-vous, la crypto n'est pas seulement un truc de mec ou de geek ! ;) Rendez-vous la semaine prochaine sur le blog pour un nouvel article sur la crypto pour les dĂ©butants. Bisous, CĂ­ndy

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